antisemitism, media bias

The New York Times Continues its Biased Campaign against Israel

Raja Abdulrahim

After Israel experienced a deadly wave of terror attacks, NY Times Jerusalem Correspondent Raja Abdulrahim failed to mention in her piece of April 16, that the vast majority of Arabs killed by Israeli military and police forces were active members of terrorist groups. Entitled “‘We’re Exhausted’: Palestinians Decry Israeli Raids as Collective Punishment,” Abdulrahim condemned …

Israel, World Politics

Nationalism Okay for Ukraine, Not Okay for Israel

ukrainian flag rippling in the wind

The world is cheering on Ukraine, in an expression of support for Ukrainian nationalism. At the same time, those cheering for Ukrainian nationalism, deplore Zionism, as an expression of Jewish and Israeli nationalism. Many are those who have spoken against or written about nationalism as if it were somehow a breach of human rights. But …

Israel, media bias, World Politics

NPR Claims that Israel “Loves” Putin

NPR Logo circled

NPR reporter Daniel Estrin, writing just after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, claims that Vladimir Putin is “beloved” by Israel: “Putin remains a beloved ally. His military is stationed in Syria, and he gives Israel the freedom to bomb Iranian and Syrian weapons and soldiers there.” The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and …

antisemitism, Massacres and Disasters, World Politics

Are We Allowed to Mention Ukrainian Jewish History?

Jewish cemetery berdychiv zhytomyr province ukraine

Some Jews have been reluctant, during the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, to mention the bloodcurdling history their ancestors experienced first hand in Ukraine. Ukraine was one of the worst places for a Jew to end up in, throughout history. There were endless pogroms and massacres, such as the Khmelnytsky Uprising of 1648, or Babi …

American Jewry, antisemitism

FBI At Last Investigates Antisemitic Hate Speech

map showing colleyville texas

FBI investigators will be taking a look at who is responsible for leaving antisemitic flyers in driveways in the city of Colleyville. The flyers accuse Jews of causing COVID-19. One flyer, for example, says, “every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish.” In case you’re somehow unaware, on January 15, four congregants of Congregation …

Israel, Massacres and Disasters

Yad Vashem Under Fire Over Removal of Mufti-Hitler Meeting Photo

Grand Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini Hitler 1941

Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan has defended the museum’s decision to remove from display a photograph of the 1941 between Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler. Dayan claims that including the photograph is “tantamount to partaking in the debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” While some experts say that the mufti was …

antisemitism, Israel, media bias

Where is Amnesty International When it comes to Arab Abuses of Arabs?

Palestinian Authority policeman shoots at high school students during a protest

By now, we all know about the Amnesty International report that is full of lies and calls Israel an “Apartheid” state. What a lot of us want to know is why Israel? Why not anywhere else in the world that is actually guilty of human rights abuses? In Tubas (northeast of Nablus), Palestinian security officers …

antisemitism, Israel, US Politics

Ned Price Stops Short of Calling Amnesty International’s Apartheid Libel Antisemitic

US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price

Amnesty International issued a report this week, damning Israel as an “Apartheid” state, using all sorts of lies and distortions to whitewash the totally bogus accusation. Then Israel waited to see what the Biden Administration would say about the report. Would it support Israel or fall short of making a strong statement? Unfortunately, the statement …