Category: Massacres and Disasters

antisemitism, Massacres and Disasters, World Politics

Are We Allowed to Mention Ukrainian Jewish History?

Jewish cemetery berdychiv zhytomyr province ukraine

Some Jews have been reluctant, during the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, to mention the bloodcurdling history their ancestors experienced first hand in Ukraine. Ukraine was one of the worst places for a Jew to end up in, throughout history. There were endless pogroms and massacres, such as the Khmelnytsky Uprising of 1648, or Babi …

Israel, Massacres and Disasters

Yad Vashem Under Fire Over Removal of Mufti-Hitler Meeting Photo

Grand Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini Hitler 1941

Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan has defended the museum’s decision to remove from display a photograph of the 1941 between Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler. Dayan claims that including the photograph is “tantamount to partaking in the debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” While some experts say that the mufti was …

campus antisemitism, Massacres and Disasters

Oberlin Clears Antisemitic Iranian Apologist Faculty Member

Mohammad Jafar Mahallati

Oberlin College has cleared Professor of Religion Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, Iran’s representative to the UN from 1987-1989, of lying about Iran’s mass political executions during the 80s, and of making antisemitic statements. Mahallati was accused of concealing the facts about the murder of thousands of dissidents in an open letter of October 2020 penned by …

Massacres and Disasters, US Politics

Biden Appears to Leave Americans Stranded in Afghanistan

Aug 2021 protest Afghanistan

President Biden promised to get every American out of Afghanistan in an August 18th interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos: “If there’s American citizens left, we’re gonna stay to get them all out.” On August 30th, however, Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. announced that the remaining US troops, stationed at the Kabul airport, …

American Jewry, Massacres and Disasters

Cracks Appear in Buildings Near Florida Condo Collapse

Champlain East circled to show proximity to Champlain South that collapsed

As rescue efforts continue, hope remains that more survivors might still be found in the rubble of collapsed Florida condominium, Champlain Towers South. But while relatives nervously await the final death tally, neighbors worry the same thing could happen to them. Cracks have appeared in Champlain Towers East. We now know that there were signs …

antisemitism, Massacres and Disasters, World Politics

Torching of Queen Esther’s, Mordechai’s Tombs in Iran

Tomb of Queen Esther and Mordechai in Hamedan, Iran

Members of the Jewish community of Iran managed to get the message out to world Jewish leaders that the tomb of Queen Esther and Mordechai, in Hamedan, Iran, was torched over the weekend by an “arsonist.” The reason may be that while the Iranian government added the sit to its National Heritage List in 2008, …

antisemitism, Massacres and Disasters, social media, US Politics

Tlaib Tweets About the Holocaust Without Mentioning Jews

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib

On the eve of last week’s Yom HaShoah, the day that Israel memorializes Jews murdered in the Holocaust, notorious antisemite, Rashida Tlaib, the congresswoman from Detroit, tweeted a photo of a memorial candle, with a message that pretends to feel bad about the Holocaust while never mentioning the word “Jew.” This #HolocaustRemembranceDay—and every day—we pay …

Israeli Politics, Massacres and Disasters, World Politics

Coronavirus: Are More People Dying Than We Know?

caregiver with elderly patient

Our eyes have been on Israel during the global pandemic. The Jewish State took precautions much earlier than other countries, and there have been fewer cases and fewer deaths. But all may not be as it seems. According to Ynet, a senior official of Magen David Adom says the number of deaths may be higher. …

antisemitism, Massacres and Disasters, World Politics

City of York Marks Jewish Genocide with Song

Cliffords Tower, York, UK

York, in the UK, hosted a commemoration event marking the 830th anniversary of the massacre of the city’s Jewish population. It’s good that the UK is “owning” its antisemitism, still endemic today. The description of how the event played out is, however, a bit disturbing. “Attendees will be invited to listen to music and readings, …

antisemitism, Massacres and Disasters, terror, World Politics

France: Too High, Not Responsible for Murder of Halimi

Sarah Halimi

A French court has absolved Sarah Halimi’s murderer: The court relieved Kobili Traore, 29, of criminal responsibility for his slaying of Sarah Halimi, whom Traore pummeled for about an hour while shouting about Allah and calling her a demon before throwing the 60-year-old physician to her death from the window of her third-story apartment. It did …