Category: American Jewry

American Jewry, antisemitism

FBI At Last Investigates Antisemitic Hate Speech

map showing colleyville texas

FBI investigators will be taking a look at who is responsible for leaving antisemitic flyers in driveways in the city of Colleyville. The flyers accuse Jews of causing COVID-19. One flyer, for example, says, “every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish.” In case you’re somehow unaware, on January 15, four congregants of Congregation …

American Jewry, terror, US Politics

Court Dismisses Lawsuit from Family of Ari Fuld Against the PLO

Ari Fuld

Ari Fuld was stabbed to death while talking on the phone in the parking lot of a shopping center in Judea. His family brought a civil suit before a New York judge, suing the PLO for the horrific 2018 terror attack that took the life of this 45-year-old father of four. US District Judge Jesse …

American Jewry, campus antisemitism

University of Maryland Professor Fired for Openly Expressing Jewish Faith, Brings Suit

university of maryland college park

Former University of Maryland, College Park Professor Melissa Landa, a ten-year veteran teacher at the College of Education has, for all intents and purposes, been fired from her long-held position. As a result, Dr. Landa has brought a civil rights lawsuit against the university, alleging a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act …

American Jewry, Massacres and Disasters

Cracks Appear in Buildings Near Florida Condo Collapse

Champlain East circled to show proximity to Champlain South that collapsed

As rescue efforts continue, hope remains that more survivors might still be found in the rubble of collapsed Florida condominium, Champlain Towers South. But while relatives nervously await the final death tally, neighbors worry the same thing could happen to them. Cracks have appeared in Champlain Towers East. We now know that there were signs …

American Jewry, antisemitism, campus antisemitism

Illinois College Forced to Limit Antisemitic “Bias Response” Team Actions due to Legal Challenge

university of illinois urbana-champaign

A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign “bias response” team that was said to have intimidated pro-Israel students, has been reined in by the university after it was suggested a Supreme Court review was in the workings. Speech First, a nonprofit working against college policies that violate free speech, sued the university in 2019, for policies …

American Jewry, antisemitism

Online Sermon at a Temple by Warnock, Interrupted by Hackers

Raphael Warnock

A Friday night online service for an Atlanta temple was interrupted by multiple hackers with the aim of shutting it down. What were the hackers shutting down exactly? A sermon delivered by Senator-Elect Raphael Warnock, a known antisemite. The sermon was meant to honor Martin Luther King, whose church Warnock leads. The same temple was …

American Jewry, US Politics

Jews are Being Ousted from the Democratic Party

Gloating Ilhan Omar

Notorious antisemitic Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib survived challenges from qualified African American candidates quite nicely. Nancy Pelosi even backed Omar’s campaign to the tune of $14,000. What does this mean for American Jews? It appears to be nothing good. Front Page Magazine’s Daniel Greenfield notes that “A decade ago there were six Jewish …

American Jewry, antisemitism, campus antisemitism

USC Student Government Veep Resigns Due to Antisemitism

USC student government veep Rose Ritch before her resignation

Rose Ritch, student vice president for University of Southern California’s USC’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG), resigned her position August 5, due to antisemitic bullying. Ritch explained her resignation in a letter she posted to Facebook, explaining that the pressure got to be too much, and that it was all about her being a Zionist and …

American Jewry, antisemitism

Tisha B’Av Zoom Service Hacked by Antisemites

Antisemitic Zoom Bombing Screenshot Dallas Tisha B'av 2020

Tisha B’Av is the time we mourn the destruction of our holy Temples. That didn’t stop antisemites from hacking into a Zoom service to share threatening messages such as “Kill all Jews” and “Bomb Israel.” Zoom-bombing has become a favorite pastime of antisemites, who prey on virtual Jewish events and services. This time, it was …