The media had a field day reporting on the funeral of Rav Dovid Soloveitchik on Sunday, reporting huge crowds. But the truth is, even if “tens of thousands” attended Rav Dovid’s funeral, this is a small number, compared to the estimated 300,000 who turned out for Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach’s funeral, in the days before …
Category: antisemitism
Antisemitism Expected to Increase in 2021
Antisemitism will sharply increase in 2021, according to a report issued Sunday by the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs. The reason? COVID-19, of course. Everyone knows that when there’s a plague, it’s the fault of the Jews, so it’s likely many of us suspected this might happen, just as it happened during, for instance, the …
Online Sermon at a Temple by Warnock, Interrupted by Hackers
A Friday night online service for an Atlanta temple was interrupted by multiple hackers with the aim of shutting it down. What were the hackers shutting down exactly? A sermon delivered by Senator-Elect Raphael Warnock, a known antisemite. The sermon was meant to honor Martin Luther King, whose church Warnock leads. The same temple was …
Kanye West Campaign Gives $100K to Antisemitic Rapper
Kanye West’s 2020 presidential campaign may have flopped, but Lavonne Alford, a rapper more commonly known as M-1, made out big time. Alford, who is half of the duo known as Dear Prez, received $100,000 in late October, from West’s campaign. No one seems to know what services were rendered for this sum, though the …
Quebec Green Lights Xmas Celebration But Nixes Chanukah Celebration
We all understand the need to place limits on gatherings with the oh-so-contagious COVID-19 in our midst. But how are we to understand permission granted for Christmas celebrations but not for Chanukah celebrations? That’s what happened in Quebec, Canada, and the only way to understand the ruling is from the perspective of antisemitism: Christmas yes, …
Gal Gadot Cast as Cleopatra, World Goes Nuts
Gal Gadot, the Israeli actress who played Wonder Woman, has now been cast as Cleopatra. But a lot of people are unhappy that an Israeli (read “Jew”) should play an Egyptian ruler. The negative tweets use language we’d rather not amplify, suggesting that an Arab actress would have been more appropriate in the role and …
President of Austrian Jewish Community Attacked with Baseball Bat
Elie Rosen, president of the small Jewish community of Graz, Austria was attacked by an unknown assailant with a baseball bat, on Saturday. It happened right as Rosen was stepping out of his car. Rosen hastened to return to his vehicle, whereupon his attacker beat the car with the bat and finally, fled. After the …
USC Student Government Veep Resigns Due to Antisemitism
Rose Ritch, student vice president for University of Southern California’s USC’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG), resigned her position August 5, due to antisemitic bullying. Ritch explained her resignation in a letter she posted to Facebook, explaining that the pressure got to be too much, and that it was all about her being a Zionist and …
Tisha B’Av Zoom Service Hacked by Antisemites
Tisha B’Av is the time we mourn the destruction of our holy Temples. That didn’t stop antisemites from hacking into a Zoom service to share threatening messages such as “Kill all Jews” and “Bomb Israel.” Zoom-bombing has become a favorite pastime of antisemites, who prey on virtual Jewish events and services. This time, it was …
Twitter Boycott Over Refusal to Respond to Antisemitism
By the time you read this, it will have been just a memory and it remains to be seen what effect the 48-hour boycott of Twitter will have on the social media giant’s refusal to take appropriate action against antisemitic accounts and tweets. The boycott, slated for Monday and Tuesday, is a reaction to horrific …