Tag: Birthright

American Jewry, Israeli Politics, US Politics

Losing Their Birthright (Trip)

Birthright Taglit youth tour group

For the second time in recent weeks, far left members of IfNotNow infiltrated a Birthright tour of Israel, going off-grid to engage in anti-Israel activities and making a ruckus about it. The first time there were six of these traitors looking a gift horse in the mouth. This time there were eight of them. The …

American Jewry

Birthright Meets IfNotNow Meets Breaking the Silence

Birthright Taglit

Birthright (Taglit) has sent hundreds of thousands of Jewish youths to Israel on free trips to get in touch with their roots. The purpose is to keep Israel in the hearts and minds of the next generation. The organizers try to keep these trips apolitical. But five young women exploited the gift of a free …