Category: media bias

Massacres and Disasters, media bias

Google, Facebook, and Twitter: Platforms for Terror?

Orlando Pulse Massacre

Survivors of the Orlando Pulse nightclub massacre are suing Google, Facebook, and Twitter for serving as platforms for terrorists to spread propaganda and trade information. The lawsuit claims that such platforms offer “material support” to terrorist organizations such as ISIS. The litigants believe that the perpetrator of the Pulse massacre, obtained crucial information and support …

Israeli Politics, media bias, World Politics

Get it Straight: An Iranian Drone Violated Israel’s Airspace

Iranian UAV enters Israeli airspace

You’d never know it from reading the news, but when Israel carried out extensive airstrikes in Syria, it wasn’t just reacting to the fact that one of its F-16 fighter jets was brought down. It was reacting to the fact that an Iranian drone, coming out of Syria, violated Israel’s sovereignty by illegally entering Israeli …